Helper functions in Roku

In this blog, I will write a small scenegraph function which will help to develop Roku channel.

Sub PrintAny(depth As Integer, prefix As String, any As Dynamic)
if depth >= 10
print "**** TOO DEEP " + itostr(5)
prefix = string(depth*2," ") + prefix
depth = depth + 1
str = AnyToString(any)
if str <> invalid
print prefix + str
if type(any) = "roAssociativeArray"
print prefix + "(assocarr)..."
PrintAnyAA(depth, any)
if islist(any) = true
print prefix + "(list of " + itostr(any.Count()) + ")..."
PrintAnyList(depth, any)

print prefix + "?" + type(any) + "?"
End Sub
Function AnyToString(any As Dynamic) As dynamic
if any = invalid return "invalid"
if isstr(any) return any
if isint(any) return itostr(any)
if isbool(any)
if any = true return "true"
return "false"
if isfloat(any) return Str(any)
if type(any) = "roTimespan" return itostr(any.TotalMilliseconds()) + "ms"
return invalid
End Function
Sub PrintAnyAA(depth As Integer, aa as Object)
for each e in aa
x = aa[e]
PrintAny(depth, e + ": ", aa[e])
End Sub
Sub PrintAnyList(depth As Integer, list as Object)
i = 0
for each e in list
PrintAny(depth, "List(" + itostr(i) + ")= ", e)
i = i + 1
End Sub

Determine if the given object is invalid or supports
the ifString interface and returns a string of non zero length

Function isnullorempty(obj)
if obj = invalid return true
if not isstr(obj) return true
if Len(obj) = 0 return true
return false
End Function

Determine if the given object supports the ifString interface

Function isstr(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
if obj = invalid return false
if GetInterface(obj, "ifString") = invalid return false
return true
End Function

Determine if the given object supports the ifBoolean interface

Function isbool(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
if obj = invalid return false
if GetInterface(obj, "ifBoolean") = invalid return false
return true
End Function

Determine if the given object supports the ifFloat interface

Function isfloat(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
if obj = invalid return false
if GetInterface(obj, "ifFloat") = invalid return false
return true
End Function

Convert string to boolean.

Function strtobool(obj As dynamic) As Boolean
if obj = invalid return false
if type(obj) <> "roString" and type(obj) <> "String" return false
o = strTrim(obj)
o = Lcase(o)
if o = "true" return true
if o = "t" return true
if o = "y" return true
if o = "1" return true
return false
End Function

Get remaining hours from a total seconds

Function hoursLeft(seconds As Integer) As Integer
hours% = seconds / 3600
return hours%
End Function

Get remaining minutes from a total seconds

Function minutesLeft(seconds As Integer) As Integer
hours% = seconds / 3600
mins% = seconds - (hours% * 3600)
mins% = mins% / 60
return mins%
End Function